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Sequences allow you to combine data source refreshes and report emails into a single sequence, making it easy to control just when everything runs and to ensure that a refresh is complete before emails go out.

You can create a new sequence by going to the Scheduling page, clicking Add, and choosing Add Sequence. From here, check the different refreshes or emails you want to include in the refresh.

Sequence Configuration

After selecting the refreshes and emails you want to include, you can drag them into the order in which you want them to run. Finally, choose how often the sequence should run. You'll need to specify how often the sequence should run and on what time of day. Please note that by including a refresh or email in a sequence, it will no longer run on its own scheduled time and instead run only when the sequence does.

Once created, you can also trigger the sequence to run on demand by clicking back into the sequence from the Scheduling page, scrolling to the bottom, and clicking on the "Run Now" button.

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