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Easy Insight for Historical Data and Data Imports

Customer Totals Across Systems

Create Reports Across Old and New Data

When you switch systems, you don't have to lose your valuable legacy historical data. You can use Easy Insight to retain a copy of your old historical information, either by connecting to the system you're moving away from and copying the data into Easy Insight or by uploading the data into Easy Insight as a CSV or Excel file. You can then create reports that combine your old data with your new ongoing data. Create accurate forecasts based on that historical information, look up sales for a particular customer, and preserve data for audits.

Migrate to New Systems

When you're setting up on a new system, you'll often find yourself importing data by spreadsheets. For example, an inventory system might have you setting up a product mapping spreadsheet to define your SKUs and their attributes. Easy Insight can help you automate the creation of those mapping spreadsheets as you go from one system to another and accelerate the setup of your new product, reducing implementation costs and errors.

Integration Mappings
Pricing Validation


Create health check reports to make sure everything is properly aligned as you add new e-commerce integrations or change systems. Make sure prices and items match between systems, catch orders that might be otherwise falling through the cracks, and ensure invoices are properly matching between inventory and accounting systems.

Have questions? Contact us!
Call us at 720-316-8174 or contact us at sales@easy-insight.com.
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