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Easy Insight API Documentation

You can push data into user data sources, API created data sources, or flat file data sources. You can add new data or you can update data based on a certain criteria.

For a simple add, you could do the following:

HTTP POST to https://www.easy-insight.com/app/dataSources/[Data Source ID]/rows.json

The JSON in the request body should look like the following:

{"action": "[Action]", "rows": [ { "field1": "value1", "field2": "value2" } ] }

Action can be either add or replace. Add will add the contents of rows to the data source, while replace will replace the data source with the contents of rows.

Fields will need to match the field names of the fields on the data source.

You can also post an update to a specific set of rows. For an update, you'll do an HTTP POST to HTTP POST to https://www.easy-insight.com/app/dataSources/[Data Source ID]/updateRows.json.

Your JSON in the request body should look like:

{"updates": [ { type: "string", "key": "field 1", "value": "value 1} ], "rows": [ { "field1": "value1", "field2": "value2" } ] }

In this example, the request will replace all data where field 1 contains value 1 with the rows passed in.

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